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Can I have my vehicle serviced at a garage of my choice?

Your right to choose, without affecting your manufacturers warranty

Basically, a good rule to remember is that if you’re paying for the work, you have the right to choose who does the work.

As a car owner, you have the right to take your car to any licenced garage or mechanic for servicing, but you must ensure that the servicing is carried out exactly as per the manufacturer’s servicing schedule.  This means servicing must be undertaken on time and must use any genuine parts or lubricants specified by the manufacturer.

Under EU Block Exemption legislation, which has been around for many years now, a manufacturer cannot force a customer to have their car serviced by their official dealership network, nor can they refuse to honour a new car warranty simply because a car has been serviced elsewhere.  However, a manufacturer does have the right to set a servicing schedule which must be adhered to.

Once the UK leaves the EU, there is a remote possiblilty that a British government could eventually overturn this law, but it is unlikely to ever happen. Not only will it not be a priority anytime soon, but local consumer groups would fiercely resist any attempts by manufacturer interests to compel British car owners to go to franchised dealers for servicing. If your car requires repair work under its new car warranty, the manufacturer has the right to insist that this work is undertaken by its official dealerships.  This is entirely fair, since the manufacturer – rather than you – is paying for this work.